Friday, October 21, 2011

We're Here!

We made it!

After landing at Charles De Gaulle airport and waiting forever to get our luggage (the golf clubs took the longest) and rental car, we drove for three hours to get to Courselles-sur-mer. The traffic wasn’t bad, but during that drive we went through 5 toll booths—costing about $30!!

Courselles is a gorgeous seaside town. Kathleen had come to our rental cottage earlier and left us a bottle of wine and some Belgian chocolates. She met us as we arrived with a baguette and Camembert. We topped all that off with pizza from K’s favourite pizza parlour, so let the eating begin!

My brother and sister-in-law are staying at the Hotel de Paris down the street, so we descended on their hotel room to use the free WIFI! Then we walked Kathleen home (15 minutes). Here’s a picture of her place.

We went to bed at 9 p.m. exhausted from a long day and sleepless night on the plane.

Today was market day in Courseulles. Cathy and Isabella were up and shopping by 9:30.

I nipped out even earlier so I could buy some coffee filters. Don, desperate for a cuppa, had made makeshift coffee when he got up. Having no filters, he used toilet paper as a filter. Luckily it was thick as paper, so it actually worked. Still, being a traditionalist, I whipped out to a store and bought real filters before he could make another pot.

In the afternoon we walked 3 km along the seashore to the next village, Bernières-sur-mer. We wanted to see Canada house. It was the first house liberated by the Allies during D-Day. Here’s a picture of how it looked then and how it looks now.

Tomorrow—a tour of Juno Beach Centre given by guide extraordinaire, Kathleen Childs!

1 comment:

  1. Looks so nice!! Coffee filters from toilet paper... now that's innovation!! Haha! Enjoy your trip! :)
